Care Labels: Does Your Label Align With Global Textile Regulations?

Following our last announcement about fibre content regulations, we have an update on the textile care labels.

We understand the importance of providing accurate information to our customers. Therefore, we would like to inform you about what is required for your textile care labels. It is crucial for you to comply with the regulations to avoid any potential legal issues.

We recommend that you review the guidelines provided by and ensure that your textile care labels meet the requirements.

UK Overview:

1. Care Information – Optional

Although not required by law in the UK, providing care information to the consumer is industry standard and highly recommended. Where care information is not provided, the brand is responsible for redress for any damage to a product as a result of incorrect care by the consumer. Care information can be given in writing or use the Ginetex care symbols, (brands must hold a licence to use the Ginetex symbols as these are trademarked images).

Whether you use symbols or written care content, always use the full care regime and/or the full 5 Ginetex symbols e.g. wash, bleach, dry, iron and professional clean.

2. Country of Origin – Optional

If provided, must be accurate and not misleading. It is necessary to have an origin label if, without such a label, the consumer could be misled as to the true origin of the garment. For instance, if a garment carried the British flag on it but it was made in India, then the garment should include a label to that effect.

3. Producer / Importer name and address – Mandatory

For wholesale, if there is no UK Responsible Company (UKRC), the importers name and address must be used, i.e., the wholesaler or the retailer in the UK. The information must be provided on the product using a sewn in label, a swing tag or sticker, or the product packaging, where reasonable to do so.

4. Product reference / batch code – Mandatory

Product traceability is required by the UK General Product Safety Regulations. Indicate on the product or its packaging, where reasonable to do so, the product reference or, where applicable, the batch or season reference, e.g.YY1925/SS22.

5. Fibre Composition – Mandatory

Using the approved fibre names from Annex 1 of the EU Regulation on fibre names and labelling. No specific requirement as to location of this information, it can be directly on the product, hang tag or sewn in label. The only specification for a label is that it is securely attached.

6. Any other requirements – Mandatory

Flammability labelling for children’s and adult nightwear.

Label Specification

Labels should be permanent, easy to locate, and readable. Use suitable material resistant to care treatment, with symbols large enough to remain readable throughout the article’s lifetime.

Next Steps…

Asquith provides expert knowledge and effective solutions to assist brands in successfully navigating the evolving regulations.

Contact us today, where we can guide you through the care label requirements. Our experienced account managers are always here to assist you in any way we can.

+44 (0)1752 342 809 |

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