Delivery Information

How long does it take from placing an order to receiving delivery?

On average it takes 2-3 weeks for most labels.

Do you track your deliveries?

Yes, we use the DHL and UPS parcel tracking service, so you can trace your orders from dispatch to delivery.

Do you charge for delivery?

We offer free delivery in England, Wales and Scotland (excluding the Scottish Islands, Highlands and Northern Ireland) on all orders over £550 net. Please contact us for more detailed information. 

Is there a fast-track service?

Orders are usually processed in the date order that we receive them but if you have an urgent requirement, we will look at our production schedule and see what we can do to help. If requested, we can send your order on a pre-am delivery, however this will depend on the location delivering to.

Do you deliver internationally?

Yes, we deliver internationally with DHL.

Can you send an order to multiple addresses?

Yes, we can send your order to different addresses.

Have More Questions ?

Please call or email if you have any other questions about delivery.

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